A First Year full of Satisfaction for the European Tourism Manifesto

A First Year full of Satisfaction for the European Tourism Manifesto


The latest General Assembly of the European Tourism Manifesto has been held on the 16th of September in Brussels.


It has been the occasion to analyse the Activity report 2015 and especially to celebrate the first year of life for this important working group which involves many Organisations dealing with Tourism at European Level. NECSTouR is one of them and representatives from the Permanent Secretariat were attending the event.


- Download the Activity Report
- Some pictures from the event (courtesy of ECF)


Next General Assembly will be held on 15th November from 10am to 1pm in Brussels and will focus on the approval of the updated Manifesto document. If you would like to host the meeting, please contact the Secretariat by mid-October.


For more information visit: www.tourismmanifesto.eu.