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NECSTouR contributed to the Debate about Connecting Europe through Innovation


The President of NECSTouR has been invited to present the contribution of NECSTouR Regions to Tourism and Innovation, on the occasion of the second edition of the high-level debate on "Connecting Europe Through Innovation", which has been organised at the Romanian Parliament on the 17th of May 2018.

Search the Med Tool is launched!


The tool launched by the Med Sustainable Tourism Community

The MED Sustainable Tourism Community is glad to announce that the 'Search the Med' tool has been officially launched.

The "Search the Med" tool embodies a fully customizable search engine providing access to a wide range of documents related to tourism sustainability issues with particular focus on Mediterranean. It could be considered as a multi-source repository of sources regarding the sustainability of tourism and with particular emphasis on the Mediterranean region.

Awards 2018 Special Edition: Cultural Heritage as an Asset for Responsible and Sustainable Tourism


Cultural tourism is the fastest growing sector of European tourism and can contribute both to the sustainability and competitiveness of tourism in the European Union and beyond and to the sustainable future of heritage sites and local communities.

Valencia Region the new Coordinator of NECSTouR Working Group on Innovation, Tourism Skills and Education


NECSTouR Working Group on Innovation, Tourism Skills and Education will be until now coordinated by the Region of Valencia.

ETOA and NECSTouR sign strategic partnership agreement in Barcelona


A Collaborative Approach to Build Together the Right Expertise, Skills and Strategies for the Sustainable Tourism Management of Tomorrow

MITOMED+ gathered in Malaga the main European Experts on Indicators to discuss on Sustainable Tourism Policies for Mediterranean Destinations


A two-days workshop entitled “Building Sustainable Coastal and Maritime Tourism Policies for Mediterranean Destinations” has been organised in Malaga on the 5 and 6 April 2018

Debate on Indicators. It has been a unique occasion to debate on the use of Indicators to measure Sustainable Tourism Policies in the Mediterranean with some of the main European experts in that field.

NECSTouR at ITB Berlin: Developing Innovative Ideas, Meeting Potential New Partners


Several NECSTouR Members attended the ITB Berlin 2018, ensuring a wide representation of this network at what is known to be "the World's Leading Travel Trade Show".

NECSTouR Experience on Developing Platforms for Tourism Statistics


Mrs Ana Moniche from the Region of Andalusia intervened on behalf of NECSTouR Working Group on Indicators at the 18th meeting of the UNWTO's Committee on Statistics and the Tourism Satellite Account.

NECSTouR Deepens Cooperation with UNWTO and the EU-China Tourism Year


On Wednesday the 28th of February 2018, the Presidency of NECSTouR participated with all the other members of the  Tourism Manifesto for Growth & Jobs into a series of high-level meetings at the European Parliament, deepening cooperation and commitment with the leading World and European Tourism Institutions.


Meeting of the Tourism Manifesto for Growth & Jobs with UNWTO